
Real-time statistics map of the Corona virus

Wuhan corona virus To which countries did the epidemic spread?

How many patients are there in the Wuhan corona virus epidemic?

Corona Virus Why escape person died?

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Coronavirus emerging in China and spreading to many countries He declared it as a pandemic.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Secretary General of the World Health Organization, who is holding a press conference today, announced that as of March 11, 114 thousand cases were seen in 118 countries and 4 people were killed.

Ghebreyesus said, “Thousands of people are struggling to survive in hospitals. We expect the number of cases and deaths to increase in the coming days and weeks. ”

“The speed of virus spread, its severity, and the authorities' failure to take the necessary action have brought us to an alarm level.

“That's why we declare Covid-19 a pandemic disease.

Last update:

“Pandemic is not a simple concept. Misuse can lead to more deaths on the grounds that there is no use in fighting fear or illness.

“We have never faced a pandemic originating from a coronavirus. On the other hand, we did not see a pandemic that could be taken under control.

“It is in the hands of countries to change the course of this pandemic.

"Every country should find a delicate balance between protecting public health and keeping restrictions on economic and social activities to a minimum, while respecting human rights."

Stating that some countries do not have the resources or capacity to take adequate measures, Ghebreyesus explained the steps that countries should take as follows:

“Get your emergency response mechanisms ready and strengthen them.

“Inform your people about the risks and prevention methods.

“Detect, isolate, test and treat each case of Covid-19. Examine everyone he contacts.

“Prepare your hospitals. Protect and educate your health workers. Take care of each other.

"We can calmly protect the citizens of the world by doing the right things."

What does Pandemic mean?

In its simplest definition, it is the name for infectious diseases that threaten a large number of people simultaneously in the world.

Swine flu and pandemic disease were declared in 2009. Experts say hundreds of thousands may have died due to swine flu.

According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition, roughly three criteria are sought for a disease to become a pandemic:

  • Having a new virus
  • Easy to pass to people
  • Easy and continuous transmission from person to person

How is pandemic announced?

The declaration of a pandemic of a disease is done by WHO.

In order for a disease to become a pandemic, it has to be seen steadily on different parts of the world, on the masses.

Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Monitoring Coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

The table below shows the coronavirus cases (2019-nCoV) approved in China and other countries. Scroll down to see the distribution map and schedule. Currently 4,595 worldwide there are 125,863 confirmed cases that result in death.